Curry Palindrome




Incorporating "curry language," words that evoke curry, into palindromes readable both forward and backward.

異説で音とLover草さ西の天竺牡蠣酢のあり汁気児は軍離反でLOVEあのジャカルタと春旅路レンゼン歩く罪信仰夜餉内科医らCurryと老い咲きしやここはシダ桜タイカレー嗅ぐ子Curryの泥濘鹿Uh Yo Yeah価値のいいアチャールはうあーそこに居てます蔓延る秋夜は夜晩匙言いくるめ友と四菩薩はイカをRecoverさメシアは美味しいあのナン追うよ時つ多軸カラーコラージュ絵清い鐘ちくばの初酔い合体カレーかけロボ追い風黄の光る手女神よくオキノミミ煮てHighさ油脂カレー花壇蓮花退くば酒日々肉音日立つ旅と釜旨しと硬く湯うどん警察影と煮す巻き戻りかと昼煮し雪やん泊りは煮込んだんもダルCurry蛇と油脂のイラブへ梅雨自然さ赤い野鳥だ歌う村でムスリムのリズム変わるよ通り名とCurry買う諭吉乗る締め鯉高いサボテンあり日差し遮るか夏にイラク村人の子老人出てる古き町の辺りから鑑みさ千光寺あの木あの子の木夜の夢飼いが明日見し仮地にドアのネズミ白い騎士も否酒飲みが手に槍火突付け楽しむね坂段あり米粉泳ぐ大海ハマグリCURRY 熊徘徊炊くよお米コリアンダー重ね蒸しの竹筒ビリヤニ手紙の消さない文字黄色染み脛の跡にチリが染みたし赤い亀湯のルーよキノコの秋の味鬱金セサミ缶からCurryだあの粽(ちまき)ルーブルで展示鱗の扉ムグライに繋がる帰依さシビリアンで輔祭硬い米汁の地球Curry化となり音夜輪噛むズリ飲むリズムでラム詩歌うよチャイ母さん施術ヘブライの首都日べりカルダモン団子ニハリマトン山羊煮る人Curryと藻キーマ酢に溶け喝采県道征く鷹とシマウマが飛び立つ度遠くに響け砂漠の弦連打カレー果樹最果てに耳の記憶黄泉が愛でる黴の息世界朧げカレー嗅いだつがいよつ葉のパクチー願いよ消えゆし羅睺羅隠した月と酔う女の愛爺お婆〆鯖Curryを開発さ母子と求める食い意地サンバルヨガヨギーアルゴビバスマティにこそ合う春や血合い命が栄養が染みるカヌー乗りが漕ぐカレー海だラクサ出汁はココ椰子奇祭踊り辛い貝投げよ鬱金染みつくる安全レシピダルバートタルカ椰子の油テンパリング弾けるシリアの隙革新での死に捧ぐバラードとオデッセイ


Summer boils over—dance! Curry swirls as bare men whirl, restrained yet absurdly elevated with braised pork. Who is the massive, angry oni (Japanese ogre) watching over monitors? Yet laughter brightens the night. Amid corpses and men, the yakuza (Japanese organized crime members) toast barrels of sake, celebrating fulfilled love for African curry—Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone. Winter sorrow holds, but spring blossoms forward—step forth, cry, or connect. Brewing bonds form a hexagon.A lone cat, its night vision sharp, watches the eccentric scene. Leaders waver as squid entangles the narrative. Tomorrow, is it squid-seaweed curry? Or the sushi ginger curry course developed in a metaverse project?My brother reappears with another curry palindrome—read backward, and it still works! A dumpling skewered ahead, broth drinks curry deeply, faces turn red, and solace remains elusive.Collapsed in a bath, destruction surrounds, yet the bonds of brotherhood remain—a fiery miracle of connection. Memories from morning and last night resurface. Under the light, do vassals gather at the wake? Is squid curry free, with only squid as garnish? As nightly tours proceed, rebirth arises beneath a moon dimly glowing yet distinct.

Uh 午前4時!暗くにリキシャしきりにクラクション施行

Uh 4 a.m.! Darkness brings relentless rickshaw horns!


A fragrant dilemma—red glazes on achaar soup. Is it charity or apathy? The taste of turmeric.

海鮮カレー濃いめうどんは七味限りなくかありがとう浴びよう恋カレー舞うも臭い汁が赤白の中たゆたうの不揃いの桃ラバーの棘と飛び出す絵Curry油脂焚きビックリした人まさか生き返り虎返り血だ黄色い油白い実株紫斑もなしで白い帰依も晩もダルが匂うのよ旨カリーがアナは居ながら歌う粒カシア旦那たかる国分市の薔薇カレーがLoverの至福コルカタなんだ味が普通だ裏がない花明りか舞う夜の魚にカルダモンは萌黄色してシナモンは渋紙色朱色活きたチリ絵から鳥絵描きイカサマ飛び出し理屈引き出し揺り返す旅と棘と野薔薇桃の色祖父の詩豊かな狼煙が上がるし遺作も生まれ邂逅呼び合うとCurry 赤くなり気が満ちし半透明これ完成か

Rich seafood curry udon with endless shichimi spice—thank you, let’s bask in it. Love-filled curry dances, but the red and white broth sways with an odd aroma, irregular like thorny peaches in a lover’s grip, emerging as a pop-up curry scene.Surprising people with sizzling oils, a tiger’s return—yellow oil, white seeds, and no purples or bruises, only pure devotion through evening dal’s lingering scent. Delicious curry fills the air.Anah sings while staying still, grains of cassia dance, and a husband gathers joy around Kokubu City’s rose curry—a lover’s bliss. In Kolkata, the flavor is ordinary but honest. Flowerlight dances over nocturnal fish, cardamom glows pale green, cinnamon subdued in dull red-brown, vermillion chili pulses alive.From bird art to chili drawings, fraudulent leaps burst forth. Logic tumbles out, journeys rebound, thorns mingle with wild roses and peach hues. Grandfather’s poetry is rich, a signal fire rises, even final works birth new encounters, calling to one another. Curry reddens as spirits swell—semi-transparent perfection is finally achieved.


Squid masala, blazing in the spicy realms of darkness.

you may scroll&click the below for curry related sound


2015年より、カレーを通じた創造の喜びを原動力に、950以上のカレー回文を創作・収集。2022年以降、その膨大なデータの蓄積を視覚化したインスタレーション作品の発表を続けている。Since 2015, driven by the joy of creation through the curry, having created and curated over 950 Curry palindromes, and have been transforming into visualized installations since 2022.

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